Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Drinking water. How much water should I drink?

OK. I know I should drink more water...Everybody tells you that you should drink more water, but why? 

According to the Mayo clinic, drink water helps to keep the body temperature, protect sensitive tissues, lubricate joints and get rid of wastes.

How do you know if you are dehydrated? 

  • Your eyes are dry
  • Your urine is not clear or light yellow. If you are not sure what is light yellow, the picture shows the color.
  •  You have a sticky mouth
  • Your skin lack elasticity.
  • Constipation.
  •  Other symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps or lack of sweat

But, even you are not dehydrated, you need to consider drink enough water to be healthy. Then, how much water should I drink?

 The WebMD recommends to drink between 48 to 64 ounces every day, but you should consider drinking more water if

  • You are pregnant
  • You are exercising 
  • You want to lose weight
  • The weather is hot
  • You are sick, such as with the flu.
 Drink water it is not easy, (at least for me), I divided the water I should drink in eight-ounces glasses, and create a schedule:

If you find difficult to remember, create reminders at your phone! 

If you prefer to measure the water you drink in a different way. Look this conversion table.

One note!!! Drinking too much water its dangerous!!! It can dilute the sodium and provoke health issues.


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