Thursday, January 25, 2018

How many calories should I intake?

OK. I was looking information about how many calories a person like me should intake. I found a lot of information, but many of them contradictory.

Finally, I found information at the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion that looked more reasonable. According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, this is the calories that a person should intake according to age and lifestyle.

A very important note! This table does not apply to pregnant women or breastfeeding!!

Now after this note, we need to determine how active is our lifestyle. The lifestyle can be determined depending on the miles you normally walk in a day.

If you on a normal day walk less than 1.5 miles in addition to the physical activity required to perform your normal activities, then you are sedentary.

If you walk between 1.5 and 3 miles per day in addition to the physical activity required to perform your normal activities, then you are moderately active.

 If you walk more than 3 miles per day in addition to the physical activity required to perform your normal activities, then you are active.

Now, we do not have excuses!!!


ODPHP. 2015-20 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Objectives: Looking for a new direction. How to set new (but integral) goals? (Part 2)

Have you created your goal wheel? If not go to the first part of this post.

Now that you have created your goal wheel, it is important to define a goal and objectives for each aspect.

Sounds complicated? It is not!

Let define first our goals, for each aspect of your goal wheel, write what do you want happen to this aspect. The following table shows examples:

 Now is time to define objectives! An objective could be defined as that steps that contribute to the goal.

According to Doran, an objective should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. If well, Doran wrote it thinking on business, this methodology can be applied also to the personal goals.

Specific means that the objective should be strategic for the goal. Look for the activities that contribute directly to the aspect. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, your objective should include activities that contribute to your goal, as running, avoid saturated fats, etc.

Measurable means that each objective should be measured. Examples of measuring could be miles, pounds, times.

Achievable, if an objective cannot be achievable, the goal cannot be achievable, and then need to be redefined. You can define difficult goals, yes, but try to define a goal that can be achievable in this year.

Relevant, the objective must contribute to the achievement of the goal. Sounds obvious? It is better to be sure the objectives contribute to the goals.

Time-bound, you can define to lose 10 pounds, but this objective will not be effective until you add a time to achieve it. It is not the same to lose 10 pounds in 4 months than 10 years.

Define your objectives might require to think about them several times, or well discuss them with others. For example, if you are planning to call your siblings every week, you will need to check with them if they are available.

The following table show some examples:

Now try to define your goals and objectives!

Doran, G. T. (1981). "There's a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management's goals and objectives". Management Review. AMA FORUM. 70 (11): 35–36.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Goals: Looking for a new direction. How to set new (but integral) goals? (Part 1)

January. OK. I have still almost 350 opportunities to have a worth year, 360 different angles for my next step. It's easy to feel lost, but that is a mood that we need to avoid.

Then it's time to set the goals for this year!!!!

First, let talk about you. You are an integral person with different interests, edges, and moods, then it is normal to not have a unique goal in your life. I know there are people who put a single goal in their lives as entrepreneurs, inventors, writers, philanthropists; however, we need to recognize that they abandoned other aspects of life in order to pursue a single goal.

I divided the different aspects of a common person (as me) where I would like to improve myself. I am considering four basic aspects of my life: Me, Family, Work, and Community. Each of this aspects can be divided into more specific aspects. After thinking about it, I created my goal wheel as follows:

Now for each aspect, I will define a goal for this year. For example In the family aspect, extended family I want to strengthen my relationship with my siblings. That is not an easy goal, we all live in different countries, but today I will not worry about the how; I just going to think in my goals and contemplate them with a nice cup of tea.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

How much should I weight?

OK. I know. It is January, and you are trying to avoid the scale... The fourth day of the year and I found great reasons to bath in the guest room.

But, I need to found the courage and step on the scale... Now I got a number... so?

Let's discover where I am. According to  National Institute of Health's, you can check if your weight is healthy using the following chart.

The x-axis indicates the height, while the y-axis the weight.

We need to remember that there is no accurate formula for an ideal weight because it also depends on the density of your bones, your structure, and other factors. However, if your height is 5'4'' and your weight is over 160 pounds... it sounds like you have to do changes in your habits.

Let's just think about it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Drinking water. How much water should I drink?

OK. I know I should drink more water...Everybody tells you that you should drink more water, but why? 

According to the Mayo clinic, drink water helps to keep the body temperature, protect sensitive tissues, lubricate joints and get rid of wastes.

How do you know if you are dehydrated? 

  • Your eyes are dry
  • Your urine is not clear or light yellow. If you are not sure what is light yellow, the picture shows the color.
  •  You have a sticky mouth
  • Your skin lack elasticity.
  • Constipation.
  •  Other symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps or lack of sweat

But, even you are not dehydrated, you need to consider drink enough water to be healthy. Then, how much water should I drink?

 The WebMD recommends to drink between 48 to 64 ounces every day, but you should consider drinking more water if

  • You are pregnant
  • You are exercising 
  • You want to lose weight
  • The weather is hot
  • You are sick, such as with the flu.
 Drink water it is not easy, (at least for me), I divided the water I should drink in eight-ounces glasses, and create a schedule:

If you find difficult to remember, create reminders at your phone! 

If you prefer to measure the water you drink in a different way. Look this conversion table.

One note!!! Drinking too much water its dangerous!!! It can dilute the sodium and provoke health issues.


Begining a new life!

OK. A new year arrived, you look in the mirror and you know you should do changes in your life. Me too.

But it is not easy, at the beginning the enthusiasm is great: a new diet, exercise, a new routine.  However, as the days pass your courage seems to diminish and one day disappears.

I have the same issues, but I think that one day at a time we can do it. The purpose of this blog is to collect what practices work, tips, and anything you consider useful to have a more tasty, healthy, and easy life.

Would you try it with me?

How many hours should I sleep?

Have you experimented insomnia? I have. That nights without end, where the pillow becomes your worst enemy and your only friend. That scary ...